Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk - Have Sex Regularly once you're over fifty

Researchers have come up with another interesting find: Having an active sex life in their 50s could protect men against prostate cancer.

But as everything have pros and cons, it is being said that greater levels of sexual activity among men in their 20s could increase their chances of developing the disease in later life.

Individuals or rather men who tend to be have a high rate of sexual activity in their 20s and 30s are more at risk. Researchers at Nottingham University conclude that keeping up a regular sex life – rather than excessive activity in younger years followed by a fallow period – is best for men’s health.

Every human body accumulates toxins as age goes by and these need to be released in order to keep the body healthy and in a fit state. What is being said that sexual activity releases these toxins and consequently they are flushed out of the body. Which underlines the importance of regular sexual activity after the age of 50.


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