Posted by
Kevin Fedorr
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
An enlarged prostate is the most common prostate health problem among men, usually affecting men over 50 |
• | BPH is a condition associated with aging, probably due to hormonal changes | |
• | By about age 50, about half of all men have begun to develop an enlarged prostate | |
• | For men over 50, prostate enlargement is likely to continue through the rest of their lives | |
• | BPH symptoms occur when the enlarged presses against the urethra, the tube that carries urine away from the bladder | |
• | As the prostate slowly continues to enlarge, symptoms may gradually worsen, interfering with sleep, physical comfort, and routine activities | |
• | BPH symptoms vary with the individual. Some men with BPH experience an urgent need to urinate, while others may have difficulty starting | |
• | In most men, BPH symptoms can be effectively managed with medication | |
• | If left untreated, BPH may eventually curtail or slow down a man’s activities and interfere with his lifestyle – and could lead to more serious medical complications requiring surgery | |
• | BPH is a non-cancerous condition. There is no known link between BPH and prostate cancer Source - Prostate Health Guide | |

Things Every Woman Should Know about BPH