Common Prostate Health Problems

The most common three prostate health complications men encounter are the following:
  • Prostatitis: This is an infection (usually bacterial) which can be treated with an antibiotic.
  • Enlarged prostate gland: This is mostly an inconvenience, causing you to have to urinate frequently or experience problems with dribbling after urination.
  • Prostate cancer: This is when a malignant tumor forms in the prostate gland, which can spread throughout the body and cause significant health problems, including death.


Steps to Massage the Prostate

The steps to massage the prostate are as follows:

  1. Assume a comfortable position. You can either stand and lean against an object at a comfortable height or lay on your side with your knees flexed.
  2. Use a liberal amount of lubrication on the index finger of your dominant hand.
  3. Gently insert the finger into the rectum. The prostate gland will be felt as a bulge in the rectal wall towards the front of the body.
  4. Gently massage the gland, applying no more pressure than you would apply to rubbing your eye. Stop immediately if any pain occurs. Expression of seminal fluid is normal (and is the goal). However, if blood is present, discontinue massage immediately.

Prostate massage can be beneficial in some conditions. However, care should be taken not to damage the delicate tissues of the gland. Massaging the prostate can be important in both diagnosis and treatment of certain conditions of the prostate, such as prostatitis and benign prostatic hypertrophy. Before commencing prostate massage, a physician should be consulted to ensure there are no contraindications to the procedure.


6 tips to find the male ''G-spot'' - No. 6

Know that prostate play isn't for everyone.

A person's discomfort with this type of sex play can override pleasures, neither of which does anybody any good. Some men, too, don't enjoy prostate stimulation at all, while others really don't think that much about it.

Hope that these tips helped in some small way to increase the sexual pleasure, fun and aided in exploring each others body and exploring the relationship more.


6 tips to find the male ''G-spot'' - No. 5

Male Prostate Health

Try a sex toy

With people being more and more open about exploring their sexuality and sex lives, using a sex toy for private as well as mutual pleasure is no longer a taboo or an embarrassment. There are plenty of sexual enhancement products, including vibrators, which are designed specifically for prostate stimulation. Most famous of these are the nexus range of prostate massagers or male vibrators.


6 tips to find the male ''G-spot'' - No. 4,

Exploring different positions.

The prostate is best stimulated when a man is in a position that allows stimulation of the entire erogenous area. The prostate gland needs to be stimulated properly and completely in order to give the maximum pleasure to the partner. The man must be in a comfortable position wherein he can enjoy the prostate massage. Some different positions must be tried out in order to leverage the levels of pleasure experienced in different positions.


6 tips to find the male ''G-spot'' - 3

Discuss the preferred method of stimulation

The most important thing in a relationship or a lovemaking session is communication. Discussing what you like and what you dislike will make things easier for both the partners and make the activity more enjoyable. The best way to access the prostate involves going to a place where more than just the sun doesn't shine. There are external ways to stimulate this organ, but you'll have to experiment, making communication key.


6 tips to find the male ''G-spot'' - No. 2

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Realize that almost any time is a good time.

Unless a man isn't in the mood or prefers to be turned on first, the prostate is always up for action. While this erogenous zone comes alive when a male becomes sexually excited, it can also send amazing sensations sans erection and other stimulation. It is best, however, for a man to be already aroused before you go "probing," lest he's likelier to experience pain or discomfort.


6 tips to find the male ''G-spot'' - No. 1

Know what you're looking for.

That is the basic rule of thumb. One has to know the location and appearance of what he or she is looking for. Hence one must know about the location of the prostate and its appearance in order to massage it and give prostate pleasure to your man. The prostate, which is found wrapped around the urethra, below the urinary bladder, is a firm, partly muscular, partly glandular body.


6 tips to find the male ''G-spot''

Women thought that they were endowed with the ultimate pleasure spot in their bodies which gives them mind blowing orgasms. However, it's not just women who are lucky enough to have the ''fabled'' G spot, the route to sexual satisfaction, for men too are gifted with the ''pleasure zone'' - and the hot spot on the male body is prostate.

It is no doubt that when it comes to "male G-spot" or the ultimate male sexual pleasure, the prostate reigns supreme.

The prostate gland starts to bulge with the fluid inside it with the sexual arousal reaching its peak. Pleasure sensations run throughout the body and the ever so pleasing to hear moans come out. These become more intense and pulsating as the climax draws near.

However, giving your man this ultimate pleasure is not child's play. I will follow up with the 6 best tips that I think would help you.

It will be worth the wait...


Tall men at risk of early prostate cancer

Although being tall does not appear to influence the overall risk of prostate cancer, it may have a role in certain manifestations of the disease, US and German researchers have found.

"We found that tallness is associated with increased risk for younger onset aggressive prostate cancer," study chief Dr. Jiyoung Ahn, of New York University School of Medicine, New York, told Reuters Health.

Ahn and colleagues came to this conclusion after analyzing data from a cancer screening study involving 34,268 men.

The Entire Article at Reuters

Male Prostate Gland

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The male prostate gland is the male version of the female uterus. It is a chestnut size gland that is located between the urinary tract, bladder, and rectum. It is made of both glandular and muscular tissue and is situated in the pelvic cavity, below the caudal part of the symphysis pubis and ventral to the rectum, through which it can be felt, especially when enlarged.

The English word “prostate" derives from the Greek word prostates which means “standing before."

The prostate gland surrounds the neck of the bladder and the urethra and elaborates a secretion that liquefies coagulated semen. This liquid is known as “prostatic fluid" or “prostatic secretion" and consists of alkaline phosphatase, citric acid, and various proteolytic enzymes. It is this alkaline prostatic fluid that helps sperm survive in the acidic female vagina.

Many times, because a female’s vagina is very acidic and a male’s sperm is very low alkaline (due to improper diet – meat, dairy, beer, drugs, cigarettes, etc.), a woman cannot become pregnant because male sperm (already low in alkalinity) cannot survive in the overly acidic vagina. The prostatic fluid is part of the semen (the fluid) that transports male sperm cells into the female during sexual intercourse and is believed to ensure the survival of the sperm once it enters the female vagina. Prostatic fluid is continuously produced. It is secreted into the urethra in abundant volume during sexual excitement and excreted in the urine at other times. Prostatic fluid does not enter the bloodstream, nor does the prostate gland itself produce any hormones that are required by the body.

The Male Prostate - An unnoticed, neglected sexual organ

Most of us tacitly assume that male sex organs are on the outside, and female organs on the inside. But men, of course, have internal sex organs, just like women. Chief among the internal male sex organs is the prostate. It's a gland overlooked, unnoticed, and ignored too often and too long for it to be healthy. If men are going to enjoy the long, healthy, and sexually balanced lives they are entitled to, this needs to change.

The prostate is among the organs men relate to least, even though it makes up roughly a third of their reproductive system, fulfills a score of important bodily responsibilities, and is the organ second most vulnerable to cancer in men. It is also a treasure trove of sexual pleasure that, perhaps for homophobic tendencies, goes untapped.

These days, the prostate is mentioned regularly in public discussions of sexuality or of men's sexual health, but when it comes to individual men relating to their prostates in a healthy way, a lot has to change.

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Even in the most intimate conversations between a man and his (usually female) partner, feelings of unease often surround any contact with the prostate. These feelings are brought about by a state of ignorance as well as trepidation about coming to terms with an unknown and often times not totally knowable aspect of their sexuality.

Our puritanical heritage explains why sexual taboos, however personal and unconscious, still surround the prostate. It is unknown and hidden away inside our wretched bodies, just waiting to malfunction and cause heartache and pain, as is characteristic of everything human.

But since it was not necessary to think about it until recently, the prostate hasn't yet been normalized through familiarity, everyday utility and love in the way the balance of human sexual organs have been in the past 50 years. For instance, starting with the women's movement and culminating with the publication of the "Vagina Monologues," women began to reject the taboos containing, enshrouding and controlling their sex organs; especially the clitoris.

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But men were not as lucky, because everyone assumed that since men were putting people in bondage, they themselves couldn't possibly be in the kind of bondage women were in. So no one, until very recently, had actively worked to acclimatize men to their sexual bodies so that they would be able to care for and appreciate them.

Before Tom Green and Lance Armstrong publicly went through testicular cancer, young men rarely paid much practical attention to their testicles, just as old men rarely came to terms with their prostates.

But now that male sexual health is a topic of public, official discourse, it needs to become a topic of private, informal discourse as well. Women don't hesitate to tell other women about the new human papilloma virus vaccine, or about the need to perform breast self-exams, but men are loathe to discuss their prostates with their fellows, or even with their partners.

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Prostate cancer is not something that is striking down young, college age men left and right, so it isn't something we ever think about. But that dark, cancerous cloud is only a few years away for a growing number of us. Testicular cancer tends to strike men between 18 and 40, and checking for testicular cancer is much easier than checking for prostate cancer. Not to mention that the testicles are right out there, hanging around.

Perhaps this is why prostate cancer and other sicknesses of the prostate go unnoticed. But according to the journal "Prostate," younger and younger men are falling prey to prostate cancer as the years go on. No one is exactly sure why, but some attribute it to higher levels of artificial hormones in our drinking water, and a pervasively less active and healthy lifestyle. Either way, we are facing ever greater risks for prostate cancer, and should be aware of this threat.


Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk - Have Sex Regularly once you're over fifty

Researchers have come up with another interesting find: Having an active sex life in their 50s could protect men against prostate cancer.

But as everything have pros and cons, it is being said that greater levels of sexual activity among men in their 20s could increase their chances of developing the disease in later life.

Individuals or rather men who tend to be have a high rate of sexual activity in their 20s and 30s are more at risk. Researchers at Nottingham University conclude that keeping up a regular sex life – rather than excessive activity in younger years followed by a fallow period – is best for men’s health.

Every human body accumulates toxins as age goes by and these need to be released in order to keep the body healthy and in a fit state. What is being said that sexual activity releases these toxins and consequently they are flushed out of the body. Which underlines the importance of regular sexual activity after the age of 50.

The Benefits Of Natural Prostate Health

Men know that it is important to take care of your health as much as women. With diseases like prostate cancer threatening the male body, it clear that men need to be more careful with their health.

Natural prostate health involves giving your prostate the internal protection it needs. That means finding a natural health regimen that will help to prevent your body from wearing down and producing potentially irregular, cancerous cells.

Natural prostate health also involves knowing which type of supplements will protect and nourish your prostate.

A natural approach to prostate health may be your best option in the long run if you are currently not having any prostate problems. If you increase the amount of antioxidants you consume and simultaneously decrease the amount of preservatives you consume, you may be greatly reducing your chances of getting cancer or other prostate irregularities.

Natural prostate health is the best choice that many men are making today to ensure their health, since natural health is about taking care of your body as a whole. The emphasis on the prostate is so that men are made aware that indeed they too can protect themselves from getting prostate cancer.


Prostate Health and Sleep

The best known fact to all people is that sleep is essential to wellness. Your body needs sleep for rest and recuperation. So it is very essential for men that they be proactive and give importance to the health of their prostate gland because it can impair and affect their sleeping habits and patterns.

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Experts say that the human body needs 7 to 8 hours of undisturbed sleep each night to be in a healthy state. The elderly i.e over 60 or more may require even more sleep than 8 hours. The human body recovers itself during the sleep time, takes much needed rest especially the muscles and the limbs and it also engages in the creation of new cells. This is important for the body's immune system and proper amount of sleep can improve overall as well as prostate health.

For men who are more than forty in age, the prostate may hinder a good night’s sleep—which has a huge possibility of affecting the man's personal life and the life of his family too. So any outdoor trip can turn ugly with the recurrent need to use the bathroom. However prostate health of utmost importance especially in older men. So take good sleep and keep a healthy prostate.


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