Male Prostate Gland
The prostate gland is a part of the male reproductive system. It is a fibrous muscular organ, which is present in the pelvis that is below the urinary bladder and surrounds the upper part of the urethra. Prostate gland is about three to four centimeters big and is walnut shaped in a normal man. It is quite small in children and develops at the time of sexual maturity.
Male prostate gland secretes the fluid that transports the sperms and increases the volume of the semen. This fluid energizes sperms and helps in their survival in the vaginal canal of female after ejaculation. Prostate stimulation methods like prostate milking and prostate massage with prostate massager can result in deriving prostate pleasure and sexual pleasure. Doctors also practice regular prostate massage and prostate milking on male patients who suffer from a variety of prostate problems.
Prostate Massage – How and Why? Prostate massage is very important for your sexual satisfaction, as prostate’s function is to help in the production of semen. You can consider prostate as the male g-spot. Therefore, to reach g-spot, prostate massage is particularly significant.
Prostate gland starts enlarging after the age of 50 years in about 70 percent of men. This is not a cancer or an infection but is related to the levels of circulating male hormone testosterone. Doctors often carry out prostate massage and prostate milking on the patient, as it proves effective in treating this problem.
Anyone can easily perform prostate massage but one has to learn how to do it correctly and safely. While doing prostate milking yourself, you should apply a minimum amount of pressure, which would be roughly equal to the amount of pressure needed to rub your eye. Applying extra pressure during the prostate massage could lead to health problems like prostate inflammation.
Many devices are available which help in giving you a prostate massage in a correct and a safe manner which would be medically and sexually beneficial. Male prostate massager is designed to enhance prostate pleasure in men through non-ejaculatory orgasms. The pleasure lasts for few minutes but you can repeat it with the help of p-spot massager, which is same like g-spot massager used in women.
In men, it is used through anus and men generally use it for giving sexual pleasure to themselves but some men even use it with their female partners during sexual intercourse for enhanced pleasure and the results have proved to be mind blowing.
Types of male prostate massagers The most effective types of male prostate massagers include the male sex toys of the Nexus range which include Nexus Nero Excel, Nexus Vibro with ribbed shaft massager and Nexus Glide Male G-Spot Massager. These prostate toys act as prostate stimulators. Nexus Nero has a stainless steel ball, which gives a sensation like a tongue on the skin. Nexus Vibro vibrates like a vibrator. This male prostate massager produces sexual vibrations in your anus. These prostate massagers give you complete sexual ecstasy without ejaculation. Ribbed shaft massager has a ribbed shaft that allows more sensation and pressure on the prostate. Massaging the prostate has become a medically as well as sexually beneficial act to which prostate massagers are like icing on the cake. This article has provided some information on Prostate Massage. To know more about prostate massagers, and about the famous Nexus Glide please visit - The sexual performance enhancement clinic.

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